Motivate and Develop Your Employees
Extended DISC® and FinxS® assessments create clear and personalized plans for employees to modify behaviors or to develop competences. You can choose from 100’s of assessments – or even create your own – to ensure the results are easily accessible and relevant to have a lasting impact.
You are not forced to select from off-the-shelf report. The assessments are customized for different job roles and industries.
Once a person completes the questionnaire just once, the results can be provided in any format, at no additional cost, and without having to ask employees to spend their valuable time completing multiple questionnaires.
The assessments are validated – and periodically re-validated – around the world to ensure reliability and accuracy. The most recent worldwide Validation Study had a sample size of 960,810 individuals and encompasses over 110 countries, 77 languages, different age groups, genders, and includes the National Stress Indicator.
Employees who feel they cannot develop and fulfill their career goals at their organization are 12 times more likely to leave!
Long-term Solution, Not a Training Event
Extended DISC® and FinxS assessments® provide a clear and accurate starting point for improvement that is unique to each and every employee. It provides specific guidance on how to modify behaviors and succeed. It is practical and easy to learn.
Most importantly, our clients consistently report it works. Our average client relationship exceeds 9.5 years attesting to excellent results and lasting impact.
Extended DISC® award-winning assessments and support materials are successfully implemented by tens of thousands of organizations. They are used in all types of training programs such as leadership, sales, customer service, communication, team training and more.