The C-style profile is one of the 4 DISC profile types including D-style, I-style and S-style profiles. The DISC types come from the William Marston’s DISC Model. They make up approximately 31% of the worldwide population.
When understanding any of the 4 DISC types, keep the following important points in mind. There is no DISC profile that is better or worse. All DISC styles have strengths and development areas; they just happen to be different. A person’s DISC style does not limit what can be accomplished or how successful one can be. It simply predicts how we tend to do things.
We can find all of the four DISC types represented by very successful people. However, the most successful people know who they are. They modify their style appropriately with different styles of people and in different situations.
Describing the C-style profile type
C-styles can come across as critical of others. They focus on finding mistakes and expect everyone to follow their standards. Others can perceive their attention to detail and correctness as nit-picky.. C-styles’ desire to do things correctly can also slow down their decision-making. They can over-analyze issues and need a lot of information. Under pressure they can come across as being overly critical.
The C-style profile’s motto is, “if we do not have time to do it right, do we have time to do it over again?” C-styles like to ask the “why” questions, “Why does it work this way?” or ” Why is this step needed?”
How to identify the C-style profile type
Here are some quick and simple ways to identify the C-style profile type:
- Is quiet; proceeds cautiously.
- Focuses on details; asks many questions.
- Is deliberate and controlled.
- Is not comfortable with physical contact.
- Appears reserved and somewhat timid.
- Doesn’t express disagreeing views easily.
- Is well prepared; may have done homework.
- Studies specifications and other information carefully.
- Makes decision only after studying pertinent facts/issues.
- May be very critical; criticism based on facts, not opinions.

C-style profile attributes
Attributes are the words people use to describe the behavioral style of the C-style profile. It is not always how the person himself/herself would use to describe his/her own behavior. In addition, one certainly can adapt from one’s natural DISC style to different situations and roles.
- Analytical
- Detailed
- Exact
- Perfectionist
- Systematic
- Accurate
- Cautious
- Careful
- Thorough
- Distant
- Formal
- Withdrawn
- Quiet
- Logical
- Controlled
- Compliant
C-style profile’s communication style
C-profiles often prefer to use written communication, like emails. They don’t readily express disagreeing views. They want detailed, fact-based information to insure they make the correct decisions. Since C-profiles focus so much on details and data, they may miss the big picture. C-profiles prefer conversations where they don’t have to focus on opinions or abstract matters. They can be extremely diplomatic.
Leadership style of the C-style profile type
The C-style’s authority is based on rules and proven standards. They prefer to keep distance from people. C-style leaders emphasize rules and quality focus. They are a “things” leader; they are more interested in facts, details and analyses.

Examples of famous C-styles personality types
Using examples of people we know, famous or otherwise, helps us to quickly identify DISC styles.
- Spock of Star Trek
- Condoleezza Rice
- Albert Einstein
- Bill Gates
- Jack Nicklaus
- Sherlock Holmes
- Bill Belichick NFL Football Coach
- Hermione of Harry Potter
- Clint Eastwood
- Richard Nixon
- Monica of Friends
- Sheldon Cooper of Big Bang Theory
From our blog: Analytical Personality Type: Am I Correct?
What about the other DISC styles?