Could you use critical data to support your manager’s development? Then FinxS® Management 52 is for you.
FinxS® Management 52 Tool: Developing Managers into Leaders

Could you use critical data to support your manager’s development? Then FinxS® Management 52 is for you.
Can they think on their feet? Are they effective problem solvers? How Reasoning Analysis tools help you answer those questions.
After hiring your employee, don’t overlook the onboarding benefits of DISC in supporting your new employee’s success.
Wrong hiring decisions are costly, disruptive and frustrating, so let DISC help you make better hiring decisions.
You can still have leadership blind spots; despite your best efforts. Can you recognize them?
Have you ever been frustrated because people don’t listen to what you’re saying? We’ve all been there!
Is it time to add extra energy and learning experiences to your DISC sales sessions? DISC sales sessions help your salespeople be more productive and sell more successfully. The key […]
Team activities energize DISC sessions, but they also have an important purpose.
What’s the new ‘normal’ as your offices are reopening? Are you sad to be putting away your home office loungewear? Are you trying on your work clothes; albeit a little […]
Are your employees missing out on DISC Assessment opportunities?
DISC should make your life easier; not harder. Learn how. In my 20 years of experience as a facilitator and instructional designer, the most difficult part of the job is: […]
With a few adjustments, delivering DISC results virtually can be a smooth transition. Debriefing Extended DISC® assessments virtually, is pretty similar to what you already do in person or over […]
Clients leave your session motivated and ready to put their learning into practice. But, how? In an ideal world, you have intensive one-on-one follow-ups with learners. Unfortunately, most of us […]
Our biases can cloud how we view the actions of others and can cause us to misinterpret their original intent.
Wouldn’t our jobs be so much easier if we could identify just one style for a salesperson?
Customer service complaints are not unexpected, but with DISC, it’s possible to better manage them.
Try these 5 tips to help you feel more confident and ready to start your first DISC session!
Leading a diverse team is challenging in the best of times, and likely overwhelming in chaotic times. How do your employees see your leadership style under stress?
Do you know how well your salespeople are doing?
Compassion is not a concrete topic like understanding Profiles, but DISC can still help us understand how we do what we do.
A gloomy job market and millions of job seekers…how do you stand out? In the past year, the unemployment rate has reached historically high numbers. Many of us may find […]
What is the difference between working from home and working with home?
Learn tips in using effective activities to make your sessions stand out, while more importantly, helping learners apply DISC tools.
Remember those frustrating emails flying back in forth with no end in sight? Why don’t they understand what I am trying to say? We’ve all had experiences where we’ve rolled […]
Clean slate; time to make your New Year’s resolutions! How can DISC help you make goals you are motivated to see all the way through? New Year resolutions can be […]
Have you ever felt others are speaking a different language than you, even though it’s really the same language? Communication is the exchange of information and ideas with others, but […]
Are you a successful person who owns your behavioral strengths and doesn’t ignore your development areas? You are most engaged when you’re able to tap into your strengths. Behavioral strengths […]
Read this if you could use tips on debriefing DISC Profiles. Many of you debrief DISC Assessment results regularly with your clients and employees. You may be doing it in […]
Wait…how many days until the holidays?! Are you suddenly shocked or surprised the holidays are just around the corner!? They are traditionally a busy and cheerful time, but they can […]
Sales theory breaks down the continuum of a sales job. So, how does that help you? Wouldn’t it be great if we had a template for the perfect salesperson? Unfortunately, […]
What are some simple, yet effective tips to build better leadership DISC training content?
What makes C-styles unique from the other styles?
S-styles are people-oriented, but more reserved. What else makes them different from the other styles?
I-styles are spontaneous and people-oriented. How are they different from the other DISC styles?
How are D-styles similar and different from other DISC styles?
The Team Sales Process Summary Report is part of the FinxS® Sales Capacity Assessment Suite.
The Team Competence Summary Report presents your group’s proficiency levels in 18 critical sales skills.
What are some of the most commonly asked questions about DISC?
How can the Sales Capacity Assessment: Hiring Report help you make better hiring decisions?
How much really separates top athletes, performing at the highest, level from one another?
The FinxS® Sales Capacity Assessment – Development Report is designed to provide supporting information on a salesperson’s’ self-development and road to sales success.
How can you use the match scores for the 18 Sales Competences in the sales process to improve your sales success?
Extended DISC interview on the Growth Mindset Podcast!
The Remote Worker Self-Study Workbook helps you create remote work settings and processes to support your strongest behavioral traits.
What is D-I-S-C? D-styles Overview – 30 mins – Diana: Your D-style Co-worker I-styles Overview – 30 mins – Ian: Your I-style Co-worker S-styles Overview – 30 mins – Sam: Your S-style Co-worker C-styles Overview – 30 […]
Current times challenge us to be more innovative and adaptive in how we debrief DISC assessments.
Are you looking for ways to build interactive activities into your virtual DISC training?
We have all, at one point in time, thought to ourselves, “I could’ve handled that situation better.”
How can a self-study workbook, based on your DISC style, help you build on your success?
How can the FinxS® Team Sales Capacity Assessment help to maximize your sales team’s performance?
Many of you already know the power of DISC as a communication tool, but do you know the other 80% of what else it can do?
Many of our teams are suddenly working remotely; creating new challenges for us, as managers.
The COVID-19 outbreak creates a critical need to consider other options for delivering DISC.
The Extended DISC® Assessments platform for data processing has many benefits, but how do you know where to begin or what to utilize?
DISC tools are commonly used to enhance workplace communication, but do you actually know what DISC does and doesn’t measure? DISC is a powerful tool because it is easily understood […]
How do we identify and describe C-styles? Do you work with or know someone who tends to be more analytical and reserved; someone we’d describe as a C-style? Has it […]
How do we identify and describe S-styles?
How do we identify and describe I-styles?
How do we identify and describe D-styles?
Great trainers are always looking for more ways to build engaging and interactive exercises in their DISC sessions, right? Great trainers are always looking for more ways to build engaging […]
Here’s a brief introduction to the Extended DISC® Six Basic Profile Types. They are created to help us gain a deeper understanding of the DISC-model and how to better help […]
Sales 18 is a very practical and easy-to-use sales assessment based on the DISC-theory. However, the users do not need to understand DISC-model to use it! It calculates sales professionals’ […]
Preconceived views about others enable us to make decisions about others quicker, but they can also end up clouding our judgment.
Have you ever noticed you “click” with some people; while others annoy you?
How can DISC help young professionals turn a job interview into a job offer?
Effective outcomes depend on how well we interact with our colleagues and our patients. DISC helps improve these interactions and ultimately, the outcomes.
Gen Zs are entering the workforce. Are you prepared for this newest generation?
Did you know….Extended DISC® Individual Assessments are the only DISC assessments in the world that can be customized to your unique needs and applications.
The Extended DISC® Diamond is a powerful behavioral map for analyzing and predicting how we prefer to do things.
Are you taking advantage of your leadership strengths to communicate, influence, and motivate your team members?
The Extended DISC® Assessment’s ‘At a Glance’ section provides a brief visual overview of your client’s behavioral style and much more.
How often would you say your interactions occur face-to-face versus emails and phone calls?
Becoming a new manager is one of the most exciting and challenging transitions in a career – so, how do we keep the momentum going forward?
Each of our team members perform and relate to others differently under pressure. DISC helps them predict and prepare for more successful outcomes.
People who feel they’ve achieved success often face a challenge called the Success Trap.
We have so much to accomplish, but there’s only 24 hours in a day! How can we use our natural style to improve our time management?
You’ve likely heard of the KISS approach(Keep it Simple Stupid) to doing many things. While we’re clearly NOT stupid, we can all benefit from a more straightforward approach to using […]
Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the SHRM 2019 Annual Conference is… Bonnie McLean with Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA)! Bonnie guessed the correct money jar amount of $1,073 […]
You absolutely should use your behavioral strengths to succeed, but what happens when you don’t make adjustments?
Why don’t people listen to me?
The Communication Strategy Reinforcement Report is a simple and practical way to improve interactions with a specific person.
The Extended DISC® Profiles are easy to debrief, but there is even more understanding in the Profile graphs.
How can we best handle client pushback on DISC results?
Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2019 ATD Expo is… Nyla Mundt from OneWeb! Nyla guessed the correct money jar amount of $1,007.00 at the 2019 ATD Expo! […]
Have you ever wanted a clear way to understand and explain the shaded Comfort Zone on the Extended DISC® Diamond?
Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2019 Gulf Coast Symposium is… Marvin from Second Baptist Church! He guessed the exact money jar amount of $778.00 at the 2019 […]
Creating a practical behavioral action plan to achieve sustainable change improves your client’s performance at work and in life.
Are you looking for different ways to reinforce your DISC trainings?
On a daily basis, how often do you think your team members feel stressed?
Did you know that Extended DISC® Profiles can generate data on global stress levels?
The latest Extended DISC® Assessment, FinxS® Sales 18, is a standalone tool designed to improve selling success.
Rich Haugo from Costco Wholesale! Rich guessed the correct money jar amount of $1,038 at the 2019 Training Conference! Thank you to everyone who visited Extended DISC® assessments at the […]
How do Extended DISC® Profiles help you identify the person who shows up for the interview versus who the person truly is?
You can identify key emotions to help provide deeper insight into a person’s Extended DISC® Profile results.
The results of the assessment were invalid. Now what are you supposed to do?
It should always be the first question you ask when you receive DISC assessment results.
What are the 6 Basic Profile Types? Ninety nine percent of all individuals who take the Extended DISC Assessment are a combination of DISC styles. The Basic Profile Types describe […]
Have you ever heard of Opposite DISC Profiles? The majority of us have not.
People’s DISC styles can often be oversimplified by identifying them only by their primary DISC-style. Are they a D-style, I-style, S-style, or C-style? In reality, when we focus only on […]
Managers use the Work Pair Assessment to better connect with their individual team members.
Tools come and go; in fact, many of them don’t seem to have sustaining power. How can we, as DISC facilitators, create the value required to help people modify behaviors?
Chances are you’ve been asked, “What makes Extended DISC different from other DISC tools?” They are not all the same. The distinction between the assessments is critical to getting the […]
We learn specific techniques in order to negotiate better, but we can also be more effective by modifying our behavioral style. Understanding DISC improves our negotiation style.
Many companies fail to deliver excellent customer service and end up losing customers to competitors. How can Extended DISC tools help?
Ideally, as a pair or a couple, we would capitalize on our behavioral strengths and value our differences. The reality is often different.
We seek out our C-style co-workers when we need a problem-solver; yet their nit-pickiness can irritate us. Understanding your C-style colleagues can help you to work better with them.
Our S-style co-workers are steady and dependable, but they can frustrate us with their resistance to change and indecisiveness. Can we work better with them by understanding their behavioral style?
I-style co-workers create a positive work environment, but they can also frustrate us with their disorganization. How does improving our understanding of I-styles help us to work better with them?
We all know or work with a D-style person. They view their job as a competition; to be the best. Improving our understanding of D-styles can help us work better […]
Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the SHRM 2018 Annual Conference is… Kathy Macki with Henry Ford Healthcare! Kathy guessed the correct money jar amount of $987 at the […]
Managing people is definitely one of the most challenging jobs around. The My Team Report: Manager’s Playbook, is specifically designed to help a manager lead his/her own team more effectively.
One of the strengths of the DISC model is it provides you with the ability to identify the DISC styles of others. If you are able to recognize others as […]
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) began enforcement on May 25, 2018. Is your organization prepared? Has your inbox been flooded with updated privacy policies from your Internet […]
Conflict resolution using DISC can be an effective way to improve and develop interactions between two individuals.
Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2018 ATD Expo is… Curtis Porter from Fidelity Investments! Curtis guessed the correct money jar amount of $962 at the 2018 […]
Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2018 Gulf Coast Symposium on HR Issues is… Katie Walton from Fugro USA Marine, Inc.! Katie guessed the correct money jar amount […]
How can DISC help us manage our employees more effectively at an organizational level?
At Extended DISC we often are asked about how to identify and explain profiles. Specifically, a person’s hardwired behavioral style, their perceived need to adjust behavior; and also, what happens […]
Everyone wants to manage their time better. DISC helps increase our self-awareness by showing how we prefer to get things done. Once we are more aware of how we tend […]
How can you use DISC to manage your stress, and also help your employee’s manage stress? Managers can use DISC as a tool to identify when employees are feeling stressed; […]
The goal of using the Extended DISC’s 4 Step Process is effective behavioral modification. Your success in life – both professional and personal – is determined in a very large part by […]
The onboarding process is often a missed opportunity for helping new hires succeed within organizations Getting new employees off to a great start is critical to their long-term success. However, […]
Learn ways to promote and sell Extended DISC® assessments to your clients and organization. You know the strength of DISC in improving communication. You may also know how to deliver […]
Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2018 Training Conference is… Kim Clark from the University of Tennessee! Kim guessed the correct money jar amount of $913 at the 2018 […]
The beginning of the new year motivates us to set new goals and it may also help us feel better about shortcomings of the previous year. So how can DISC […]
Chances are you’ve been asked, “What makes Extended DISC different from other DISC tools?” They are not all the same. The distinction between the assessments is critical to getting the […]
Why do you need to imagine yourself at work when answering the DISC questions? I’m sure you’ll recognize the most obvious reason; DISC assessments are most often workplace based. However, […]
Recently, I traveled to Singapore to conduct a two-day DISC certification. I love doing DISC trainings and talking about DISC profiles, but add travel and food to the agenda and […]
People may assume DISC only applies to face-to-face interactions. However, that would exclude using DISC in written communications and phone interactions. Luckily, it’s not true! DISC communication goes beyond face-to-face […]
Use of the DISC test in your workplace can lead to better understanding and interactions within your team. However, you may encounter resistance and misunderstanding during the process. Just hearing […]
As a DISC trainer, I’ve been asked if DISC applies across different cultures. If so, how does it correlate to culture? There is a link between DISC and cultures, but […]
Allowing the right team members to work remotely from home has some well documented benefits. In fact, using a remote team can lead to lower overall costs and increased productivity. […]
My job is being a DISC trainer, but sometimes I’m happy to be reminded how powerful DISC is to my own daily interactions. One of the perks of being a […]
The Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from HRSouthwest 2017 is…. Adam Cravens with Liberty Mutual! Adam guessed the correct Extended DISC original money jar amount of $796 at HRSouthwest […]
Losing employees is expensive, but it also causes disruption and can lower morale for your remaining employees. The more you do to improve your workplace morale and keep your team […]
One of the strengths of the DISC Model is identifying DISC styles of others. Learn 3 simple steps to improve your observation skills. You will need to practice identifying DISC […]
Extended DISC® will be at at the HRSouthwest Conference at the Forth Worth Convention Center from October 1-4! Extended DISC® offers customizable, online DISC assessments for leadership, sales, customer service, […]
Have you ever watched your clients reviewing their results during a DISC coaching session? You’ll likely see them nodding their heads, as if in agreement with results. Suddenly, they stop […]
What’s the next step now that you’ve reviewed your client’s DISC report or Sales Competence Assessment? Start on a Behavioral Action Plan to take your client to the next level […]
While turnover is another part of managing workers, there is stress, and a cost in time and money. You’ve gotten the cake, had the farewell party and are looking for […]
We are introducing two new sales assessments. Don’t wait! Be among the first to preview our Sales Competence Assessment and our FinxS® Sales 18 Assessment. Most sales managers are unhappy […]
Have you ever tried an Escape Room challenge? They are adventure strategy games with time limits, where escaping wins the game. If you’ve ever tried it, you’ll see DISC styles […]
DISC can be an effective tool to enhance customer service. Imagine how much more engaged and responsive customers would be if you communicated in a DISC style that was comfortable and natural for them?
Most people think of the DISC model and the different DISC styles purely as a business tool. However, students can also find value in using DISC assessments. Students need to learn skills […]
Have you ever considered how people make decisions on when and if they will buy something? How can knowing someone’s DISC buying style help you close a deal? We all […]
Were you ever surprised to hear yourself called “insensitive” because that’s not how you would’ve described yourself? At times, you may feel a disconnect between how you view yourself versus […]
Sales, as a profession, can be very rewarding. But, it can also be stressful and it’s not the right career choice for everyone. With that in mind, using DISC is […]
Being interviewed for a job is stressful. It is even more stressful when you go into a job interview without a clue as to who is interviewing you. Learning about […]
Do we really know ourselves, despite being in a time of heightened self-awareness? Can DISC assessments work in a pop culture world? We live in an era where advertisers target […]
When it comes to helping employees understand where their strengths and weaknesses are, receiving employee feedback from their managers is crucial. DISC assessments can help facilitate the process. Employee feedback can […]
How can CEOs and leadership use the DISC assessment tool to better manage their employees? ‘Using DISC profiles at the Organizational Level’ webinar is part 3 of our Using Team […]
When under pressure, your natural DISC style shines through your behaviors. You can use your DISC Assessment results to adapt your style to best suit pressure settings. A person’s DISC […]
Most of us think DISC personality tests are all about work. We are more than likely to take the DISC Assessment in our work role, but how about using it to plan […]
Recently, Extended DISC mentors participated in the Focus Forward Fellowship Program at Colorado State University. The program provides military-connected women with an opportunity to build skills and become better leaders. […]
If you were to create a license plate that reflected your DISC style, what would it say? When I was young I remember vividly telling my family, during a long car […]
The Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2017 SHRM Expo is…. Lauren Whaley of Retail Properties of America, Inc.! Lauren guessed the correct money jar amount of $1,080 […]
In the 3rd installment of our Using Team Assessments webinar series learn how CEOs, leadership, owners, and organizations can use the DISC team tool to effectively manage their employees. Join […]
The DISC Assessment Tool looks at your natural behavioral style in a variety of formats. How you use your DISC profile results is up to you. Understanding who you are, what […]
Every coach of a sports team has a playbook designed to guide his/her players to success. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a Manager’s Playbook for leading your team? […]
There isn’t a better way to say ‘I love you, Dad,’ than by giving him an Extended DISC assessment so that he can learn his DISC personality type! Your father will […]
Extended DISC® will be at the SHRM 2017 Annual Conference & Expo at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans from June 18-21! Extended DISC® offers customizable, online […]
The key for successful interactions, relationships and more is to enhance your self-awareness. The next step is to understand other individuals natural behaviors. Extended DISC client, Insperity, shared a blog […]
As more and more of the millennial generation is enter the workforce, more and more articles about them are emerging too! Earlier this year, we shared a discussion in our […]
William Moulton Marston was famous for several accomplishments, including the creation of the DISC Model! Popular Instagram account, ‘UberFacts‘ shared an interesting fact on the DISC Model creator, William Moulton […]
Marshall Goldsmith explains one of the most devastating causes of career lag, and how to fix it. Visit the blog and video ‘Behavioral Change in the Age of Social Media‘ […]
In the 2nd installment of our Using Team Assessments series, Team DISC Assessments Webinar: Managers, learn how managers can use the tool to more effectively manage and develop their teams. The […]
With the Extended DISC Leadership Assessment, understanding your DISC leadership style has become a whole lot easier! Read ‘How Leaders Can Push Employees Without Stressing Them Out‘ from Harvard Business […]
Team DISC Assessments are highly useful tools in helping identify a team’s preferred way of doing things, natural strengths, and areas of development. In addition, team DISC reports can provide […]
DISC styles handle chaos differently. For some DISC styles, the ability to handle chaos may take more effort. One of the fundamental characteristics of individuals that grow successful businesses is […]
Now that you’ve learned about the DISC profiles, also known as DISC personality types, you’ll want to start to build it into your daily interactions. Practice one simple and practical DISC communication exercise […]
The Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2017 ATD Expo in Atlanta is…. Jamie Henson of BAE Systems! Jamie guessed the correct money jar amount of $1,056 at the 2017 […]
Remember how exciting it was to receive your yearbook at the end of the school year? Did your school hold the tradition of writing friends a farewell in your yearbook? […]
Your participants take the DISC profile assessment, complete a successful DISC training, and are now motivated to use their DISC knowledge. However, “the real world” can derail that from happening. What do you […]
The Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the Gulf Coast Symposium on HR Issues is…. Shannon Spates of Merchants’ Choice Payment Solutions! Shannon guessed the correct amount of $636 […]
Extended DISC® will be at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta for the ATD International Conference & Expo May 21-24! Extended DISC® offers customizable, online DISC assessments for leadership, […]
We have differing views of DISC personality types based on our own perceptions. Hence, we may also have misconceptions about DISC personality types. When we talk to other people about DISC styles we notice […]
Join our Using Team DISC Assessments Webinar to learn why team reports are an effective and popular tool. In the Using Team DISC Assessments Webinar we will cover hows team dynamics, team […]
You have most likely heard of the KISS model (Keep it Simple Stupid). While we are definitely NOT stupid, keeping it simple in the things that we do can help decrease misunderstanding and mistakes. A simple DISC approach can also increase learning and motivation.
Get DISC certified at one of our Public Certification sessions! Extended DISC holds sessions in Houston, Singapore, and London. The Extended DISC Public Certification is a complete, two-day program. This […]
Extended DISC® will be at the Gulf Coast Symposium on HR Issues at Houston’s NRG Center on May 11th and 12th! Extended DISC® offers customizable, online DISC assessments for leadership, […]
Have you ever thought about how the 4 DISC types prefer to interact with you? If you can identify peoples’ preferred DISC communication styles then you have an effective tool to better interact […]
Recognizing that DISC personality types make different buying decisions is necessary in order to move the sales process forward with our prospects. How DISC personality types make different buying decisions […]
Get DISC Certified in Singapore at the Extended DISC Public Certification Session May 6 & 7, 2020! What does it mean to be DISC Certified? Want to enhance your knowledge […]
We are successful because we ask all kinds of questions. However, there are certain questions DISC profiles tend to ask. A simple yet effective way to identify a person’s DISC […]
You’ve probably heard of DISC tests, DISC assessments or DISC profiles but are they all the same? What is the purpose of DISC and DISC tools? DISC Assessments are behavioral assessment tools. […]
DISC profiles can be a valuable tool in furthering the sales process. If you understand how DISC Profiles make buying decisions, then you have gained a competitive edge. Webinar Overview […]
Can you identify your prospect’s preferred communication style? How does using DISC Profiles in selling make you more successful? Sales professionals are well-trained in techniques such as prospecting and closing a […]
S-style profiles view promises differently than the other DISC profiles. What is an intention for one person may be construed as a promise to the other.
Sales people want to engage prospects and close deals. Join our 30-minute webinar to learn how DISC profiles help you sell better. Webinar Overview DISC profiles can help us better […]
Opposite DISC personality types create challenging interactions. Do you use words like “fantastic”, but get frustrated when someone tells you, “it’s fine”?
Are Millennials really that different? How does knowing DISC tests and DISC profiles help in understanding them better? The Millennial generation is a hot trending topic. Currently, they are the largest group in […]
Understanding DISC profiles can be challenging without DISC training. However, we can present different ways to explain them to make sure our clients have a clear understanding of their DISC […]
Millennials are constantly labeled as unproductive, stressed out and anxious. Why single out millennial’s for having the same common qualities as everyone else? I am a stressed out, unproductive and […]
Why are millennials described as entitled and unmotivated? Are millennials really that different from the rest of us? Next Extended DISC Webinar Are Millennials Really Different? Tuesday, March 7th, 2017 […]
Our webinar provides you with an overview of the 4 Steps to Effective Communication and why it’s so effective with DISC tests and tools.
No one DISC style determines how successful an individual will be. Our personal bias, however, affects how we perceive the world and what we believe creates success…including what DISC Styles […]
Come find Extended DISC booths for a chance to guess and win! Click for latest winner of the Extended DISC® Original Money Jar!
Learn a great way to present our 4 steps to effective communication into your DISC assessments and workshops.
Nobody likes a suck-up. So why do leaders surround themselves with them? This blog was adapted from an Extended DISC® newsletter featuring Marshall Goldsmith in February of 2006. I have […]
Extended DISC® will be at Training Magazine’s 40th Annual Training Expo at the San Diego Convention Center from January 30-31! Extended DISC® offers customizable, online DISC assessments for leadership, sales, […]
Managing people stuff is hard. I tried my best as a new manager, but it wasn’t working effectively. Then one day, I learned something new.
The Analytical Personality Type focuses on tasks and doing it correctly. Your behavioral strengths help you succeed, but here are tips to be even better!
The steady personality type, also know as the S-style is amiable, steady, and friendly. Learn some tips for being more successful as an S-style.
What is DISC? Overview of DISC for your workshops Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM CDT. Join Extended DISC senior trainers, Wilma Stephens and Christina Bowser as […]
The social personality type is loves attention and interacting with people. An I-style uses charisma and communication skills to achieve success.
Unless you already know all there is to know, listen to our Interpreting DISC profiles webinar. There’s always something new to learn!
The D-style personality type is one of the four main DISC styles. What makes a D-style unique and how does a D-style become more successful?
Unless you already know all there is to know, join our Interpreting DISC profiles webinar. There’s always something new to learn!
Black Friday sales, gift return lines, extended family get togethers, work parties…stressing you out yet? Remember your holiday communication tips!
Every person has a team communication role. Extended DISC describes each of the primary relationship roles based on a person’s DISC profile.
Don’t fall into the success trap. Being successful doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from change. However, changing behavior is difficult and requires energy.
Just because you’re successful doesn’t mean you don’t need to change. Changing behavior is difficult. It takes a energy to change.
Often times people searching the Internet for DISC reports don’t even know what words to use. They may look for personality tests, DISC test, and others.
Difficult coaching sessions are just that…difficult. What happens when a debrief gets challenging and how do you best handle push-back and objections?
How do you go about managing introverts? How well do introverts do as managers? What assumptions limit us and how do we broaden our view?
We continue our ongoing coaching difficult people webinar series by focusing on what happens when a debrief gets difficult and how to best handle push-back.
Congrats to Extended DISC client, ITU AbsorbTech, on the 2016 ATD BEST Award ranking ITU AbsorbTech #6 in the world for employee training excellence!
Coaching difficult people is just that…it’s difficult. The challenges are unique for each of us, but you can set yourself up by being prepared
DISC styles learn differently so how should each DISC-style learn to succeed? Every style has something to learn, but they don’t learn in the same way.
Building DISC into team training is highly effective for increasing awareness of the team dynamics and identifying team’s strengths and challenges.
Coaching difficult people is just that…it is difficult. This 30-minute webinar will touch on approaches and give you tips to master some difficult moments.
Have you ever heard someone tell you, “I have no S-style in me at all?” This statement is not true. Everyone has all four DISC styles.
Have you considered using DISC Profiles beyond reports? Learn how to look at data in the most useful ways in this 30 minute webinar.
Learn how to use DISC reports in DISC Leadership training. Leaders, who understand their DISC profiles, can interact and lead more effectively.
Stop by our Extended DISC conference booth #708 to say “hello,” and take a guess at the Extended DISC Original Money Jar to win all the cash!
How tuned in are you to your hardwired behaviors? Figuring out how you prefer to do things and how you should do it is key to your success.
Go beyond just DISC Reports. Join our Extended DISC webinar on October 5th, “Using DISC Profiles at an Organizational Level.”
Ever thought about using DISC videos in your training? Preview the Extended DISC Training Videos Webinar to learn ways to build them into your sessions
The iFinxS app is designed for admin users of the FinxS System. Easily gain access to your database and projects on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
It would be easier if there were ideal Leadership DISC profiles. Luckily, we can use DISC reports to help identify the styles of leaders and managers.
Join our Extended DISC training videos webinar on September 22, 2016 to see how these new DISC videos to enhance your DISC sessions.
Social media quizzes are everything. We have fun learning about ourselves when these tests offer to determine our personality traits and “who we truly are.”
DISC trainers are often asked “What makes Extended DISC different from other DISC tools?” Learn the significants benefits of using the Extended DISC tool.
DISC styles have different causes of stress. Gain control over your stress response by understanding how your style impacts what causes your stress.
Your DISC Style does not categorize you as good or bad. We give positive and negative value when we describe DISC styles.
Collaboration between Extended DISC and Finland’s National Men’s Basketball team helps the team to find its DISC comfort zone and reach its goals.
Similar DISC styles work well together but do not necessarily succeed. Improve performance by focusing on recruiting to strengthen DISC development areas.
Workplace leaders need to understand managing Millennials is different from other generations. Learn strategies to recruit, motivate and retain them.
DISC is powerful in helping us communicate better. Did you also know how effective it is at recognizing and managing stress?
DISC tools are not all the same. Learn the differences in this 30 minute webinar.
This DISC resources webinar covers the many different resources available to you as an Extended DISC user and tips on how best to use them all.
The strengths of your DISC-style can hinder your success. Learn skills to capitalize on your style’s strengths while working on your development areas.
Olympic athletes remind us that communicating and understanding one another does not always require a common spoken language. Utilizing tools like DISC and making a concerted effort to use different methods of communication will make our interactions richer and more fulfilling for both parties.
Overusing strengths of our behavioral style can lead to trouble. Learn how to overcome it with effective and simple steps.
Introducing the DISC Style Charts While we will continue to offer the Extended DISC Profiles and Diamond, we are happy to introduce a simple and new illustration of an individual’s […]
Markku Kauppinen, President and CEO of Extended DISC NA, Inc. and Christina Bowser, Senior Trainer, will share 4 strategies for success for Managers who work with Millennials. On Wednesday, July […]
Have you ever of thought of cars in terms of DISC styles? Imagine the commanding Mercedes S600 sedan, with its powerful image of strength, control and authority. How about the […]
DISC sessions are often fun and helpful. However, DISC must be put into practice in order to have value to the organization.
Have you ever been called “strong-willed, impulsive, amiable, or logical?” It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow’s viewpoint, and he […]
No matter what our DISC-style is, we have an instinctive tendency to want to prove people are wrong and that we are right. How we do this depends on […]
Read the latest millennials article in Training Magazine, “Leading Millennials: What Managers Need to Know.”
Once you are familiar with the DISC-styles, you will find some people are easier to identify. You will quickly think to yourself, “she is a D-style” or “he is an […]
Have you ever been in a conversation that is headed nowhere fast? Where everyone is increasingly frustrated as both sides keep talking? We all have. Interactions in a team or group […]
Some of you may remember a television game show called “The Dating Game” where contestants hoped to meet the person of their dreams. Only catch was they had to make […]
How can we better understand, motivate, manage, and lead the Millennials? It’s now official: I am getting old. The moment happened when I was part of a conversation involving how […]
As coaches and trainers we are always looking for DISC training activities for workshops. We cover tips and exercises to make trainings more fun and useful.
Skiing was a big part of my childhood. I have great memories of spending time on the slopes with my family. While skiing is typically viewed as an individual sport, […]
In high school did you socialize with the smart kids, the athletes, the band, the artsy ones, or the quiet ones who flew under the radar? At the time, it […]
The blank stare said it all. She had no idea what I was talking about or simply did not care. I cannot remember which alternative was more exasperating. It did […]
Recently I worked with a consulting firm that utilizes the information we provide to help their clients with strategy implementation. This particular client company had a common problem that we […]
After talking on the phone with Debbie for a few minutes, I was certain she had to be a very analytical “C-style” individual. Her deliberate, steady pace of speech and […]
Jessica was a new co-worker and I was a newly certified DISC trainer, eager to practice my own DISC styles recognition skills. Over the next few weeks I found her […]
I’m often asked to advise people on how best to modify their DISC-style. My response depends on many factors, but it must always include their DISC profile. For example, creating […]
There is no one best way to identify styles of others. The six basic profile types as another way to help us understand the DISC profiles.
Recently I was talking with my client, Jack, who had questions about the D-styles. He asked me if there were any softer descriptors for them than words such as “direct,” […]
One of the greatest things about the DISC model is that it is completely nonjudgmental. It does not differentiate between the DISC profiles as being better or worse. The DISC […]
Many people find it surprising that no one owns “DISC”. It is a theory that was originally developed in 1928 by William Moulton Marston. The DISC-model is in public […]
Learning the DISC model is fun, insightful and interesting. Everyone wants to understand why others are different. Who doesn’t like to read about the most important person in the […]
Understanding how each DISC style likes to give and receive information helps us communicate more effectively. By laying the filter of Transactional Analysis over DISC we can identify potential communication […]
Adjusting behavior to deliver outstanding customer service Recently I was talking with a good friend of mine. I shared my experience at a local car dealership and raved about the […]
In the early 90’s I was a branch manager at a bank in New Orleans. Back then one of my favorite colleagues was Dave. He could make everyone laugh. A […]
Lately almost everyone I talk to tells me they are busier now than ever before. The changes in the world economy are forcing everyone to find ways to be more […]
A recurring source of frustration in the leaders with which I work is changing the behavior of their team members. One of the reasons behavior change isn’t communicated effectively is […]
A Ghost Story When two people meet for the first time, we ask, “How are you?” Do we really want to know? It’s not that we are un-empathetic to the […]
Ask 100 salespeople, and the odds are good that at least 80 of them will insist that they “know all about” the DISC behavior assessment tool. D-style people are decisive, […]
The main purpose for using Extended DISC® assessments is to develop awareness and clear understanding of HOW to modify one’s behavior. Instead of repeating the same routine behaviors (i.e. how […]